At BME we offer an environment where the focus is on personal development, quality and growth. We expect that our employees work in a co-operative and honest manner with their colleagues, customers and the company itself. We pride ourselves in our professionalism and results. We expect all employees to uphold the mission and values of the organization.
Good Reasons for joining BME:
1. No recruitment fees
BME provides free recruitment services through it’s manning agents. Under no circumstances shall we ever request a recruitment fee. Our aim is to hire, train and retain a committed and dedicated workforce, building a strong and lasting cooperative relationship in the process.
2. Training courses
Whenever an BME seafarer is asked to attend an in-house training course or seminar – essential in terms of complying with the company’s Training Matrix – they are provided free to the seafarer. Additionally, we pay basic wages for the training days.
3. Senior Officer Partnership
Senior officers sailing within our fleet – meeting specific performance and experience criteria – will be offered long-term Senior Officer Partnership agreements, providing more stability for our seagoing workforce. All senior officers committing to this offer will benefit from career continuity and additional benefits, as detailed below. The present seafarer contracts, which are agreed prior to joining each vessel, will remain in force.
4. Revalidation costs
For senior officers who have signed the Senior Officer Partnership agreement, BME will reimburse the cost of national certificate of competence revalidation, including the cost of any training courses required to revalidate.
5. No allotment charge
All seafarers’ wages are paid directly into their nominated bank accounts, without any additional bank transfer charge.
6. Crew free travel
For the majority of countries, BME will cover the cost of travel from your home to the point of embarkation, and back. No seafarer will be asked to contribute towards this cost.